Saturday, March 7, 2009

KC Goh participated in the International forum talked about four pillars

KC Goh participated in an international feng shui and four pillars’ forum and is an active participant for this forum.

This is a very interesting forum with feng shui masters from all over the world.

Your can go to this website to find out for yourself:

This is from Despina:

The attached chart is one of a friend of mine who intends to get a divorce. At the moment she is separated. According to my analysis, there is no divorce (because) there is no a clash with the spouse palace, and there is no a branch clash on the 10-cycle Luck years 36-45.The only clash is between the heavenly stems Bing fire on the main Chart with Ren water in the cycle pillar 36-45. However, fire to her is the resource element (and) not the influence Direct Officer the husband element.
Could you please tell if there is something that I have not noticed?

Thank you
(She is a feng shui master from Greece. She has learned from Joey Yap and Joseph Yu)

This is from Danny.

Hi Despina,

There need not always be a clash to have a divorce.
(Also the clash may be seen in the husband's chart only)

This is a weak Earth DM, so the Monkey marriage palace is not favorable to her.
The Metal drains her.

Such a person can divorce any moment, with or without clash.
This year brings strong Earth with the Earth Ox, so now she feels strong enough to leave the husband.

She may have felt tired of the relationship for a while already.


This is from Annie Pecheva

Hi Despina,

In Wu shen (Earth Monkey) day pillar there is a very rare and specific symbolic star, which is not very favorable for marriage and gives problems in the relations. I translate the name of this star as "Unhappy marriage", it's very rare... Well, this star is not so strong in her chart (but it was activated during the 36-45 Ren Shen Water Monkey 10-year phase). It also can suggests that she has a very strong inner personality and unseen influence, even in health matters, onto the others (this is different from the notion of weak DM). As you and Danny pointed out, her weak DM, the particular situation in her chart and the start of the new 10-year phase all give some hints for divorse. It also depends on her husband and her own inner level of consciousness.

(An Expert in four pillars and I Ching. She has studied in Beijing University, therefore, she can speaks mandarin. She also speaks English, Russian, and Bulgarian. She is from Sofia, Bulgaria.)

This is from Despina Tsobani

Thank you Danny, that's a really nice forum with nice people. It's amazing how quickly you respond


This is from this blogger: KC Goh (吳繼宗)


姓名:Stavroula    今年虚岁:46岁  


阳历:1964年12月25日19时29分  阴历:甲辰年(佛灯火)十一月廿二日戌时

   偏官   偏印   日元   偏财
坤造:甲辰   丙子   戊申   壬戌  (寅卯空)
   乙正官  癸正财  戊比肩  辛伤官  
   癸正财       壬偏财  丁正印  
   戊比肩       庚食神  戊比肩  

神煞:太极贵人 将星   福星贵人 太极贵人 
   华盖   太极贵人 文昌贵人 国印贵人 
   金舆贵人 福星贵人      月德贵人 
大雪:公历1964年12月7日9时53分  小寒:公历1965年1月5日21时2分


   正官  偏官  正财  偏财  伤官  食神  劫财  比肩  
大运:乙亥  甲戌  癸酉  壬申  辛未  庚午  己巳  戊辰  
   07岁  17岁  27岁  37岁  47岁  57岁  67岁  77岁  
始于:1971 1981  1991 2001  2011 2021  2031  2041  
流年:辛亥  辛酉  辛未  辛巳  辛卯  辛丑  辛亥  辛酉  
   壬子  壬戌  壬申  壬午  壬辰  壬寅  壬子  壬戌  
   癸丑  癸亥  癸酉  癸未  癸巳  癸卯  癸丑  癸亥  
   甲寅  甲子  甲戌  甲申  甲午  甲辰  甲寅  甲子  
   乙卯  乙丑  乙亥  乙酉  乙未  乙巳  乙卯  乙丑  
   丙辰  丙寅  丙子  丙戌  丙申  丙午  丙辰  丙寅  
   丁巳  丁卯  丁丑  丁亥  丁酉  丁未  丁巳  丁卯  
   戊午  戊辰  戊寅  戊子  戊戌  戊申  戊午  戊辰  
   己未  己巳  己卯  己丑  己亥  己酉  己未  己巳  
   庚申  庚午  庚辰  庚寅  庚子  庚戌  庚申  庚午  
止于:1980 1990  2000  2010  2020  2030  2040  2050  

Although Monkey is in her marriage palace, however, the one represents Stavroula’s husband is Jia(甲代表偏官or 七殺)(in her year branch) or her husband star. She is born in December where water element is strong, especially when the Monkey, Rat and Dragon combined will form the water frame or Shui Ju (水局) 。 When water is strong, the wood will be floating, meaning the husband will like to move around and would not want to stay at home. It also means that there is a major defect in the inherent husband and wife relationship. It is born like that. She has to try very hard to maintain the relationship. If water is strong, wood will be floating, you will require earth to hold the wood so that it will not float away.

Her day master is earth. From age 17 (Chinese age, add one more year, refer to my chart—your chart and my chart is a little bit different)to age 26, she and her husband’s relation is good because there is earth element in that 10-cycle luck. You did not say when was she married?

From age 27 to age 36, the relationship turned bad because metal and water started to come into the picture. She is already a strong water element person, metal and water in this 10-cycle luck will make her relationship bad.

From age 37 to age 46, the relationship deteriorated because Ren is ocean water, very strong. She will likely be divorced in 2010 because that is a metal tiger year. The metal will even make her water pool stronger, the most important thing is the tiger will clash with the monkey in her marriage palace making her marriage come to an end or there may be other eventuality.

Stavroula should be very rich because she can make easy money, maybe strike a lottery very often or the money just come quite easily, one after another because she has got strong water element which is her easy money element(壬代表偏财).

If she is doing business, she should be doing business like entertainment, pub business, business that are considered not conventional.

Well, Despina, do you think my reading makes sense?


This is the reply from Despina Tsobani

Hi KC,

Yes, Good Analysis. To be honest I did not think of the year of 2010. I had concentrated in 2009,and 10-year cycle 36-45 to find a clash. I simply did not realise that next year she is changing her decade Thank you.

Next year 2010 may be the year of her divorce, I completely agree, there IS a clash with her Spouse Palace. Because as I am strongly persuaded that all important matters of our life are depicted on our Birth chart I was looking for a Clash and voila there is one !!!!!

As for how rich she is, well not rich, and there is an explanation to that I think. Her wealth star water is strong but as she is a weak (trapped) WU Earth Day Master she can not control her wealth Star.Well she makes her living But I would not consider her very rich. She would be very rich If she were a strong DM.

And the three harmony combination on her birth Chart in the water frame, indeed has caused her a great mental uneasiness all these years with the wrong decisions about crucial issues in her life. Because water represents our thoughts and brains as well. This is because water element is an unfavourable element to her.

Thank KC Very Much

This is from KC Goh(吳繼宗)


Thank you for your feedback.



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