Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The discussion of Xuan Kong Liu Fa between KC and Howard


I read about one article you wrote about Liu Fa Feng Shui.

Lin Zhi-Rong 林志榮 in his book玄空六法秘訣圖解mentioned about YuanYunFaWei元運發微that talked about 挨星山運水運,元運發微 said 水運starts from 2002 and Master Tan Yuan-Wu's 談養吾 Xuan Kong Liu Fa 玄空六法 said水運starts from 1997, in your opinion, which one is correct?

Hi KC,

These are two different ways to standardize time, one preferred by Lin, divided the 180 years into 3 Eras and 9 Periods 三元九運 and the other preferred by Tan, divided the 180 years into 2 Eras and 8 Periods 二元八運. Because both system agreed to start counting time from the same year (ie. 2697BC), we ended up with the discrepancy.

As to who is more correct? It is like asking which side of the road to drive is more correct and since we do not have any universally agreed standards in Feng Shui, I have to say they are both correct.

Standardization is one of the issues we have to tackle eventually in Feng Shui, but I don't think it will happen in my life time. :-)