Wednesday, April 6, 2011

How to predict Magnum third prize on April 6, 2011

On April 6, 2011, Magnum third prize is 5495. The original set of number is 4649. 46 is the variables and 49 is the fixed numbers. The change is 5549. The second change is to move the first 5 to the back and you will have 5495.

Damacai's second prize is 1007 and the third prize is 8108.

The original prize for 1007 is 4647. 464 is the variables and 7 is the fixed number.
The first change is 46 changed to 00 and 4 change to 1, then you will have 0017. Move the 1 to the first place and you will have 1007.

The original prize for 8108 is 4641. 464 is the variables and 1 is the fixed number. 46 will change to 88 and 4 will change to 0, then you will have 8801 and you will move the first 8 to the back and 1 will move to the second place, therefore you will get 8108.

The first prize for Toto is 9798 and the second prize is 8348. For 9798, the original number is 4648 where 468 is the variables and 8 is the fixed number.
46 will change to 99 and 4 change to 7, then you will have 9978. Move the first 9 to the third place and you will have 9798.

The original number for 8348 is 4643 where 46 is the variables and 43 is the fixed number. 46 will change to 88 and 43 and therefore it become 8843. Move the first 8 to the back and 3 will switch to the second place and you will have this number 8348.

How you wish this could be done before hand? Well, work on it.

Just academic exercise on numbers

On April 3, 2011, the first prize for Toto is 6884. The original set of number is 4416. 441 is the changing number and 6 is the fixed number. The first change is 8846 and then you will move the number at the back 6 to the front and it become 6884.

The first prize for Magnum is 7002 and the third prize is 6717. The original set of number is 4412. The first change is 0072 and the second change is to move the third number 7 to the front and it become 7002.

The original set of number for 6717 is 4416. The first change is 7716 and the second change is to move the 6 to the front and the 7 to move to the back and it become 6717. Easy. Yes, easy when it is on hindsight.

The first prize for Damacai is 6617 and the third prize is 9100.

6617's original set of number is 4417. 17 is the fixed number and 44 is the changing number. 4417 will change to 6617.

9100's original set of number is 4419. 19 is the fixed number and 44 is the changing number. Therefore, 4419 will change to 0019 and the second switch is to move the 9 to the front and 1 to the second place and it become 9100.

I think you need to learn how to get the original numbers and the rest is probably changing some variables.

Academic exercise on numbers

I am trying to find out one of the ways to predict numbers. On April 4, 2011, the first prize for Toto is 1522 and third prize is 4427.

For the first prize 1522, the original set of number is 4431. 1 is the fixed number and 443 is the changing numbers. The first change is 2251 and the reverse is 1522.

For the third prize 4427, the original set of number is 4432. 442 is the fixed number and 3 is the changing numbers. The first change is 4472 and the second change is 4427 which is the third prize.

Magnum first prize is 6652 and the second prize is 8070. The original number for 6652 is 4432. 2 is the fixed number and 443 is the changing number. First you have 4432, then you have 6652. On hindsight, it is so easy and it is so clear.

For 8070, the original number is 4438, 8 is the fixed number and 443 is the changing number. The first change is from 4438 to 0078. The second change is moved the 8 to front and switch the 0 to the back, then you will have 8070 which is the second prize.

Damacai's third prize is 2886 and the original set of number is 4432 where 443 is the changing number and 2 is the fixed number. At first it is 4431, then change to 8862. The third change is to move the 2 to the front, then you will have 2886.

How you wish you can predict 4d number accurately? right? You have to get the original number right, then you will get the final number. Sometime you don't even have to change.